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Learning Enhancement at DHS

Extra-curricular opportunities

Chess – Beginning in 2022, Dandenong High School is excited to offer Chess as an extracurricular activity, inviting students of all year levels and abilities to compete for the honour as being named the school chess champion. All students are welcome to get involved! It is the school’s hope that, as this program grows and more students become involved, that we will be able to partner with a local chess club to provide training to our talented players to push their skills even further.

Competitions – Dandenong High School encourages students to participate in a number of competitions that align with the school curriculum. In previous years, our students have had outstanding success in the ABC’s Takeover Melbourne storytelling competition, the University of Melbourne School Mathematics competition and the Write4Fun short story competition. We’re always on the lookout for new competitions to add to our calendar to encourage students to extend themselves and try something new, whatever their strengths.

Debating and public speaking – At DHS, we’re proud of our students’ capacity to speak out and use their voices for good. Each year, our students participate in the Debaters Association of Victoria interschool debating competitions and represent the school at the VCAA Plain English Speaking Awards, the Model United Nations, the UN Voice competition and many other events intended to provide students with a platform to have their say about the world they live in. Our public speaking and debating programs are designed to develop students’ self-confidence, critical thinking skills and teamwork. 

Transforming Learning & Changing Lives

Learning Excellence Program