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Making the transition: Grade 6 to Year 7 information

Grade 6 to Year 7 Transition Program

Transition at Dandenong High School involves the effective induction and preparation of students to enable readiness for the year ahead, in addition to providing continual, targeted and personalised support to ensure each student achieves success. The transition process is one of fundamental importance for our students as it ensures they are fully supported through their entire learning journey at Dandenong High School.

A culture of effective transition embodies a language focused on individualised success, support and encouragement; and a range of processes, practices and programs that ensure students are extended and challenged in their learning or provided with targeted support to assist them in achieving established standards.

At Dandenong High School, it is our primary focus to ensure that our students feel safe, secure and happy in the House environment and surrounds. Hence, a Transition Program has been organised to provide students with a physically and emotionally safe environment whereby students develop a sense of connectedness and belonging to the Dandenong High School community.

Important dates

Year 7 2025 Parent Meet and Greet evening

Thursday 5th December in the MC Theatre, Melaleuca building

6:30pm to 7:30pm

Year 7 2025 Orientation Day

Tuesday 10th December 2024 — 9:30am – 3pm.
Students will arrive at Melaleuca Theatre.
Parent Morning Tea from 9:45am in the Library (LRC)

Final day for free postage on booklist orders

Home Delivery – order by Friday 13th December 2024 for FREE delivery to your nominated address by Friday 24th January 2025, before commencement of school.

Year 7 Welcome Picnic – 2025

Wednesday 26th February 2025 — 4:30 – 6:00pm

Events that support Transition from Primary School to High School

Year 7 Sports Challenge
Early in Term 1, all Year 7 students participate in an all-day Sports Challenge to represent their House. The students chose to play one of six sports on offer, which were Basketball, Volleyball, T-ball, Indoor Soccer, Indoor Cricket and Table Tennis. On the day the students work as a House team and play each House following a Round Robin format. Winning teams are acknowledged and the Sports Challenge Trophy is presented at a Year Level assembly.

Year 7 Camp
The Year 7 Camp provides a fantastic opportunity for students of Year 7 to come together as a group, across Houses within the school. Students can build relationships with each other and with staff in an environment outside of the classroom. Students engage in activities that promote problem solving, communication, teamwork and confidence building that are critical skills in lifelong learners. Grevillea House, as part of their work around the transition of students within the school, is proud to organise and oversee the successful running of this camp, currently operating at the Phillip Island Adventure Resort.

Discover Dandenong Days
All students in Grade 6 from our four feeder Primary Schools are invited to attend Dandenong High School early in Term 1. Accompanied by their teachers, the students experience life as a student at Dandenong High School. Students prepare for their visit by completing introductory activities. During the day, students experience classes in the learning spaces in each of the Houses with many of our Year 7 teachers.

Open Night
In March each year we hold our ‘Discovery Night’ (Open Night). This provides an opportunity for parents and students to observe and experience how the school operates. During the Tours and Information Sessions, parents and students are encouraged to ask questions of our students and teachers.

Orientation Information Evening for parents of new Year 7 students
All Parents/Guardians of Grade 6 students are invited to a Year 7 Information evening towards the end of Term 3 each year. During the evening, information is given regarding the school’s Laptop Program, the innovative curriculum and the collaborative teaching and learning approach used at Dandenong High School, in addition to the support and personalised pathway options provided to every student at the school. The details regarding Course Confirmation is provided and both Parents and students are encouraged to discuss any transition issues that they may have. There will also be an opportunity to observe some lessons, which involve students learning with teaching teams in purposefully designed learning spaces in the Houses.

Orientation Day
In early December each year, every Grade 6 student attends their future secondary college. At Dandenong High School students will be placed in their House groups and will participate in various classes throughout the day. Current Year 7 students will be on hand to act as guides and helpers for the day. Students are given all the information they require so that they feel comfortable, informed and excited about starting at Dandenong High School the following year.

Additional information for parents from non-English speaking backgrounds

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